Skateboarding Wonders And Wizards And Design Decor
Skateboarding is a sport in which many compete and some make a career; it’s a means of transportation, and a way of life. Sure, you’ve seen it in operation, but how’s a skateboard manufactured? The basic material is maple, selected for its tight, close grain; from straight stock. Cut and stripped, the maple is cut and prepared for laminating. Maple wood is a sustainable resource, and offers a stable wood that is not prone to warping in the presence of moisture. Sliced thin, seven layers of veneer are fed through a machine that applies just the right amount of glue; then the layers of veneer are placed in a hydraulic press that forms the nose, tail, and concave of the skateboard under pressure. Some manufacturers specialize in ‘slick’ boards, which means that a layer of slippery plastic has been bonded to the bottom. When the veneers emerge from the press—shaped like a stretched ‘U’—they’re ready to be drilled and cut. These blanks are mounted in a drill press, and drilled out to moun...